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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunday Paper Recap

Must be a slow news day.  Page 1, above the fold, we have "Obama's Face (That's Him?) Rules the Web," about the prevalence and popularity of images of the 44th president to be found all over cyberspace.  The article is not without its merits, though, chief among which is its mention of the website, Badpaintingsofbarackobama.com, from whence come the images in today's post.


In addition to the featured Barack "Tony Montana" Obama and the apparently radioactive president, the site also features images of the President as basketball player and as something resembling a giant smurf.  Check it out.

Today's actual lead story was "Contractors Vie for Plum Work, Hacking for U.S."  The President and military leaders are gearing up for cyberwarfare (for which it seems a little late in the game, don't you think?):

"At a Raytheon facility here south of the Kennedy Space Center. . . rock music blares and empty cans of Mountain Dew pile up as engineers create tools to protect the Pentagon's computers and crack into the networks of countries that could become adversaries.  Prizes like capuccino machines and stacks of cash spur them on, and a gong heralds each major breakthrough."

Your freedom.  Brought to you by geeks.

Another interesting tidbit in the article was that Lockheed Martin and other prominent defense contractors are building "a National Cyber Range, a model of the internet for testing advanced techniques."

So, the internet is getting its own internet!  One hopes that the main internet doesn't get all addicted to porn and Facebook, or nobody will be able to get anything done.  (Maybe the internet will start its own blog. . . . Now that's solipsism!)

1 comment:

  1. Janet Woodard RollstinJune 1, 2009 at 2:24 AM

    My son spent his youth playing video games. He now programs the computers on Army tanks. And I thought all those video games wouldn't damage him!
