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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sunday Paper Recap

Once is occasion.  Twice is repetition.  Three times is tradition.  So, we guess this is now a tradition.

First, we know we talked about this the other day, but, really, this whole closing Guantanamo thing is getting ridiculous.  We understand why people wouldn't necessarily want Guantanamo detainees relocated to their neighborhoods, just as many people wouldn't want maximum security prisons across the street from their children's schools.  At the same time, though, people have maximum security prisons in their neighborhoods.  For some communities, prisons are huge sources of revenues and jobs.  And these prisons house populations that are just as if not more dangerous than that of Gitmo.  Remember, maximum security prisoners have actually been convicted of things like assault, rape, and murder, as opposed to those detainees who are only being held preventively.  Politicians need to realize that keeping open that recruiting poster for Al-Qaeda endangers Americans just as surely as would closing it and transporting the prisoners elsewhere.

Also, we can't help but be a bit concerned about President Obama's assertion that some of these prisoners are too dangerous ever to be released but may not be able to stand trial.  He is talking about gaining some kind of authorization for indefinite preventive detention.  He seems to be talking about an American Gulag.  Keep your eyes open.

What a difference a space makes.

We know this is just a typo, and we're not making a big deal about it, but we thought this was an interesting sentence in the sports section.  In an article about Indy-car driver Helio Castroneves, who was recently acquitted of tax evasion charges, we find the sentence: 

"Castroneves and his sister turned themselves in to federal authorities in Miami on Oct. 3. . . ."

Only it didn't actually say that; it said they "turned themselves into federal authorities."

So, for those of you preposition fans (we know you're out there), that space makes all the difference between surrender and transformation.  There's something kind of poetic about that.

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