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Sunday, June 28, 2009

We Got Nothin'

Every once in a while, you've just got NOTHING to talk about.  The problem here is that this blog is more than a forum for pointless meanderings; it's a discipline.  The Solipsist has resolved to write every day, and he fears that even one missed day will lead him down the slippery slope of inertia.  Is that an oxymoron?  Would inertia's slope be slippery?  Probably quite friction laden.  Who knows?

So, rather than follow Lincoln's ultimately sound advice, YNSHC will not remain silent.  Should you consider him a fool, here he will remove all doubt.

The thing that's upsetting is we actually HAD something all queued up to blog about.  We were going to tell the seemingly odd story of "Harper's Island" and Netflix.  See, WOS has been watching "Harper's Island" via Netflix's streaming video service.

(Digression: WHY she's watching, we have no idea, as we are in agreement that it's a thoroughly dreary program: a wannabe "Twin Peaks" with the self-deprecating sense of humor of a doorknob.  It's a poorly acted and worsely (worsely?) written you-should-excuse-the-expression "thriller" about a bunch of "good-looking" (in a bland, catalog-model sort of way) young folks who gather at a remote Pacific Northwestern island for a big society wedding.  In every episode at least one person is gruesomely killed, and despite the fact that there's a total of, like, 30 people on the whole island, it takes about five episodes for people even to realize that anything's wrong.  To give you an idea of the quality of the dialogue, in one episode, a real tough, tattooed, biker-type actually purports to insult someone by calling him "daft."  Daft!  Who writes this stuff?  A Bronte Sister?  Virginia Woolf? "Friday the 13th: Part 97: Butchery in Bloomsbury"? EOD.)

Anyway, we were confused by the fact that, even though it's supposedly, "The Complete Series," it only went up to 8 episodes (of 8) and then ended with no resolution.  We just assumed that the show was mercifully canceled, and we decided to just say, "We think the groom did it."  That was our story, and we were sticking to it.  And then, suddenly, ANOTHER episode showed up.  Also without resolution, but suggesting the Sheriff did it!  Our story.  Sticking to it.  And then a TENTH episode showed up.

We had this vision of frustrated producers churning out episodes just for the sake of WOS, hoping that she would finally give up and accept that she really didn't CARE whodunit.  Those producers should know better.  WOS is very persistent.

Anyway, we were going to write about that, but then we actually went to look at Netflix and discovered that the show is, in fact, still going on.  That each week a new episode will be added, until we get to episode 13 in which all will be resolved.

That was anticlimactic.

So, you see, we have nothing to write about!  We're very disappointed in ourselves.

(Image from Wikipedia)


  1. That's rough, man. Maybe some rediculous legislation that exempts Republicans from paying taxes will come along tomorrow. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

  2. You don't slide down the slippery slope OF inertia. You slide down the slippery slope TO inertia. The slope is the path that leads to your destination, not the destination itself. Kind of like, being a world-famous celebrity allowed Michael Jackson to get away with being a child molester. It wasn't the cause of his molestings.
