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Thursday, October 1, 2009

신 포도

Now wait just a cotton-pickin' moment here! Today's "Blog of Note" is something called "Bestiaria." What's it about? According to its subtitle, it's about "relatos e imagenes de mujeres fantasticas e reales" (which we think means something like "relatives and imaginary mudgears fantastic, really!"--whatever the hell mudgears are).

That's right, Sloppists: IT'S NOT EVEN IN ENGLISH! It's in some farcical language like Spanish or Portuguese or . . . or. . . Basque who the &*%$@ knows?!?

Look, if President Obama wants to provide healthcare to illegal immigrants or hobbits or women or whatever, that's one thing. But for Google--GOOGLE, fer Pete's sake!--to cater to those "people" who can't even be bothered to learn English. . . . What has this world come to?

Doesn't everyone know that English is the official language of the internet? The lingua franca, if you will. (Lingua franca is Latin, by the way. It's Latin for "English." Even though it kind of means "French." Those Latins are funny folk.)

And this is not just sour grapes, either! (Which is uvas acidas in Portuguese. And suan pu tao in Mandarin. But we digress.)

Well, OK, maybe it is sour grapes (zure druiven in Dutch). Shouldn't Google have designated more English blogs--ALL English blogs--"Blogs of Note" before reaching out to those huddled masses yearning to blog free?

Hey, we have enough trouble competing against the 19,825, 409 English-language blogs out there. What chance have we got against the world?


(PS: We're sure that Carolina Aguirre, the creator of "Bestiaria," is a skillful writer and a lovely human being. We're just really really bitter.)


  1. No habla englais, por favor.

  2. I am constantly amazed by the Blogs of Note. So seldom are they actually notable. I know you probably think that's just sour grapes because they never pick me but that's actually my completely unbiased assessment.

  3. Dude, not only does Google include "foreign" language blogs but they have language-specific versions, too!

    Did you know you can search Google in Yiddish?


    Oy Gevalt! In case you're interested, the "Feeling Lucky?" button is replaced with "Meyr Mazel vi Seichel", which translates to "More luck then sense". Even Google preserves Jewish wit!

    Your bud,
