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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Blah (A Brief Post)

Can it be a coincidence that the affliction "Seasonal Affective Disorder" acronymizes as "SAD"? Seems to be quite a bit of it going around these days. Our FFB Emi Ha is under duress. Anonymous is curmudgeonly (in fairness, though, there's nothing seasonal about that). And even we feel a certain malaise.

Do the holidays get us down? Not especially. We care very little one way or another about the holidays. We're celebrators of Festivus if of anything at all--the cynical, non-holiday pretty much sums up our attitude.

We think the malaise springs more from a constant chill--not cold, exactly: Cold would be preferable. You can bundle up against cold. You can't really bundle up against generalized chilliness. And that chilliness gets down deep into the bones.

Stay warm, Solipsist Nation.


  1. It's 50 degrees where you are! Put on a jacket, socks, and long pants and you're good to go. :)

  2. No. It's not a coincidence. Most acronyms are designed to BE acronyms. Look at NASA's COLBERT.
    Anyhow, cheer up! Things could be worse! You could, oh, I don't know, be trying to write a funny fable after throwing your back out... again!
