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Monday, April 12, 2010

Inertia Week

For anyone who has ever doubted the validity of Newton's first law of motion, we present in evidence the return of students and teachers from Spring Break.

Talk about objects at rest tending to stay there!

In fairness, inertia applies to all fields of human endeavour--animal endeavour, too. You ever seen a bear fresh out of hibernation? It takes Smokey at least three days to shake off the drowsies and get up to full salmon grabbing, pic-a-nic basket swiping speed.

Bears are speed-junkies compared to college students, though. One of our colleagues had scheduled her class to meet in a computer lab today, the first day back from spring break. She was mystified when hardly any of her students showed up in the lab. She checked her regular classroom and found the bulk of her students patiently waiting there. "I don't get it," she exclaimed, "I told them we would be meeting in the computer lab today."

And, when did you tell them this, we asked?

"The day before vacation started."

The faith in humanity is touching, but woefully misplaced.

1 comment:

  1. Yes. Agreed. I would follow up "The day before vacation started" alert with a group email announcement to student's email accounts yesterday, and also tape a class relocation sign on the regular classroom door today directing students to the lab. :)
