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Monday, May 3, 2010

Words, Words, Words

We're a bit tired today, so we thought we'd just share a couple of expressions overheard: what the kids are saying these days, if you will.

Dry-Snitching: To snitch (tell on someone) in a less than obvious way. Thus, when the White House spokesperson says, "Mistakes were made at the highest levels," he or she is dry-snitching on President Obama.

(Digression: We actually learned this phrase when we were explaining passive-voice to our classes. Always nice when the kids can relate grammar to their everyday experiences. EOD)

Ear-hustling: Eavesdropping. Explained to us when we were making snide comments about an overheard conversation. "Yo, Solipsist, what're you doin'? Ear-hustling?"

Please feel free to work these expressions into your everyday conversations. They have been Solipsist-tested, Solipsist-approved.

1 comment:

  1. Why "Dry-Snitching" (with its obvious sexual connotation) is thought better than the simple "evasion" is a mystery. There can be no doubt, however, in ANYONE'S mind that Ear-hustling is, at best, far worse and unclear compared with "eavesdropping" and, more accurately, is an abomination to the ear, the eye, and basic common-sense/logic.
