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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fingernails V: Oy, It's So Humid!

Ah, yeah, humidity. We’d forgotten about that.

Not that there’s NO humidity in the Bay Area, but, at least there we don’t find ourselves soaked by the time we walk from the house to the car. This morning, we woke up, lying on our back, feeling more or less rested and more or less cool. Then. . . . Somehow, someone must have installed a tepid waterfall right over the bed, as we found ourselves dripping from the exertion of sitting up.

Oh, Humidity! Thou unwanted z-axis in the Cartesian plane of temperature! Thou ‘2’ in the harmonious binary that is hot and cold!

Think about it: Some like it hot, and, simple logic suggests, some like to cold. Is there anyone who likes it humid?

In other news, a moment of silence for the end of Al and Tipper Gore’s 40-year marriage. Who would have thought they’d be outlasted by the Clintons? At the same time, this does mean that Tipper’s on the market, now, doesn’t it? Sorry! Look, what can we say: We have a weakness for post-menopausal, record-labeling blondes.


  1. So this 95 year old couple stands before the judge, asking for a divorce.
    Judge: I don't understand. You're both 95. You've been married for 70 YEARS! Why do you want a divorce NOW?
    Wife: Ah, enough is enough.

  2. On the other subject; for about a buck, you can go to the store and buy some Suave Conditioner and put it on your hair to... what? NOT "hair" conditioner? AIR conditioner? What's that?
