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Saturday, July 17, 2010


The other day, our FFB Emi Ha informed the world that the Mid-Atlantic state in which she currently resides had awarded her a certificate for doing exceptionally well on the Praxis exams--state-administered exams that would-be teachers need to pass. Emi Ha expressed high dudgeon (well, medium-dudgeon; she's Canadian) at the fact that the state wasted paper on a certificate--while not wasting paper on a letter informing her what she actually scored on the exam (for that, she had to go online).

We understand Emi Ha's eye-rolling reaction, but she should realize that, nowadays, people expect certificates for everything--even if they're meaningless. We train student-tutors at the college where we work. The tutor-training is actually a class--an easy-to-pass class, but a class nonetheless; in other words, students know that they've completed the class successfully when they see the "A" on their transcripts. Still, in order to attract students to the class, we named it "Peer-Tutoring Certification." And, upon completion of the class, students want their certificate. The fact that the certificate itself consists of a black-and-white piece of paper from our office printer is of little concern.

At least Emi Ha got a "swanky blue certificate holder." We congratulate her.


  1. Sadly, I know that you are right. These days we need to cheer for students when they show up, let alone do any work. What have we done to our youth?

  2. We have become accostumed to being rewarded for our efforts. Children are "bribed" to study, get good grades, clean their rooms, act a certain way, be the best. Sure, we all like to be appreciated...get that pat on the back...the high five - recognition - the certificate or diploma...i.e., something tangible....something to cling to....something. We have grown to value the end result more than the journey, and I certainly applaud anyone who endeavours to continue their education - be it what it may - the "reward" is the prize. It has to do with pride, love, fear, the ego and self esteem.
    In the meantime while we get society straightened out, Emi, I congratulate you on your accomplishment. share it liberally!!!
