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Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Gauntlet Be Thrown!

Yarrrgh! 'Twere a fine Talk-Like-a-Pirate Day for the Jets of New Amsterdam as they throttled those scurvy dogs from New England. Cap'n Sanchez did lead his crew with the swagger and abandon ye'd expect from this son of the Caribbean (well, Mexico, but damn ye! 'tis all the same!). Now, our emerald-clad band o' buccaneers will embark down the coast to face off against those mosquitoes o' the sea, the Port o' Miami's own Dolphins.

We thus propose a modest wager with ACOS, a faithful worshipper of that very barnacled bunch of blackguards. When the Jets of New Amsterdam do finish their Floridian pillages, you, ACOS, will for one week fly the flag of the New York Jets from yer Facebook profile; further, ye will pay suitable tribute to your conquerors by posting as your status songs that will put us all in a New York State of Mind for the week. O' course, should the mini-Manatees o'Miami Beach somehow prevail, we will accept the same consequences.

What say ye, then, ACOS? Do ye accept our terms, or will ye run cowering for the shelter o' the Dry Tortugas? We await your reply!


  1. Arrrrr, me accept your challenge! Ahoy, go Dolphins, send those stinkin' Jets back t' New Amsterdam with a 1-2 record under their buccanhats (it's where they be keepin' their buccaneers). Now, where can I find a bottle o'rum?

  2. Just start familiarizing yourself with NY lyrics, Boyo.
