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Monday, October 25, 2010

Playin' the Feud

We play "Family Feud" on Facebook. Mainly, we play with ACOS, who seems to have way too much time for that sort of thing. Every now and then, we're taken aback by one of the questions or responses. Last night, for example, during a "Fast Money" round, we got the question, "Name a good gift for a stamp collector."

Uhh. . . "Stamps"?

(The number one answer? Surprisingly, "A tasteful sweater." Go figure!)

During the regular game phase, though, we got the question, "If you don't have a mirror, how could you find out whether you had food stuck in your teeth." We correctly came up with "Ask someone," "Feel with your tongue," and "Look in window reflection." We couldn't, however, think of anything else, and two answers remained. After "striking out," the game revealed the answers. The first was "Look in a spoon." Well, OK: We get that. You're sitting at a table, and you pick up a spoon and look at your reflection. The final answer, though, was "Use cell phone."

Use cell phone? To see if you have food stuck in your teeth? Would this be one of those highly poliched cell phones? Or are you meant to take a picture of yourself? Or call a friend to come down to the restaurant to check your molars?

Is there an app for that?
(Image from Buzzerblog)


  1. Picture: "Sarah, Christine... Christine, Sarah. Now, shake hands and come out stupid."
    Cellphone: You use the cellphone to call for help, because, if you can't FEEL the food, and there's no one, including yourself, who can SEE the food, and you still can't wait till you get home & brush your teeth, you need help! Speaking of which... ACOS has too much time on HIS hands?

  2. Love the penguins! BTW: With most cell phones you can snap a photo of yourself and then look to see if you've something in your teeth. Why no, I haven't done it but it is an urban legend around here. Y'know...someone snaps a photo to see if they have food in their teeth and when they look at the picture they see a huge knife poised to strike through the top of their noggin...Anyway, I've seen literally THOUSANDS, well maybe not thousands, but a lot of photos kids take of themselves standing in the bathroom(so Mom won't see)with pouty, come-hither looks on their mugs. i think I lost rack of where this was going. Oh well.
    Family Feud is fun but irritating when the answers don't make sense.

  3. @Anonymous: We are only trying to help a cousin in need. How can we be chastised for that.
    @Janet and Donna: See our previous article on "Babble." :-)
