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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Today Community College Bathrooms, Tomorrow the World!

The sign stood at the entrance to a men's room at our place of employment (not this specific sign, but one with the exact same message). Now, we're all for wet-floor safety. And we appreciate the multi-lingual approach. As our place of employment is a community college in the San Francisco Bay Area, we serve a cosmopolitan melange of bathroom users. And students. These students, though, while they hail from various international locales, are not what you might call German. Neither are the faculty. In fact, the closest the college came to having a German on campus was when Arnold Schwarzenegger passed by on a campaign swing.

Maybe that's why we have those signs. Maybe the college is trying to attract German exchange students!

"Look, Rolf! Zey vant us to kom study here! Zey vant to make sure zat ve do not fall ven making der poo-poos! Forget Heidelberg! Let us to go to zis college instead!"


(Image from Webshots)


  1. Achtung, baby! Ze Deutschlander's are all in ze Mojave desert.

  2. Make sure to post the appropriate signs.
