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Tuesday, November 9, 2010


We have a Yahoo! e-mail account. Almost every time we check our mail, we see one or two messages awaiting us in the "Spam" folder. Now, by definition, this is mail we probably don't want to read. So, more often than not, we simply click the "Empty folder" button without even opening the folder. At this point, Yahoo! asks us if we're sure we want to delete all the items in the folder. Why, yes, Yahoo!--yes, we are sure. You know how we know we're sure? BECAUSE WE CLICKED THE DAMN BUTTON!

Still, we suppose it's a considerate gesture on the part of the faceless programmers at Yahoo! to force us to confirm our desire to delete: After all, we haven't even LOOKED at the folder. Maybe some life-changing communique awaits. But why do we get this message even after we have opened the folder, decided we do not, in fact, want to add seven inches to our penis or send money to a recently destitute Nigerian prince, and marked every single item for deletion? How careless do these people think we are?

Get on this right away, you Yahoo! yahoos!


  1. They're just not really sure of themselves these days, and for good reason. With Google and Facebook kicking their asses, you can understand why they're feeling a little neurotic and insecure. Or maybe they just have OCD.

  2. Yahoo! will always be our first e-mail account, and you never forget your first. . . .Unless, of course, your first was AOL, which ours actually was, so I guess we forgot.

  3. As your token technologist friend, I feel compelled to defend the faceless programmers at Yahoo that you so blithely disparage. Y'see, among us techie types, there's nought so precious a thing as data. Data, uber alles. We covet, we guard, we hold data sacrosanct. We back it up, we restore it, we malign you if you've lost yours without backing it up. So, when you're in your e-mail, and you want to DELETE your e-mail (e.g., data), we are compelled to put in an "idiot check" (as its known in programming parlance) to ask "ARE YOU SURE?". Because, if we hadn't asked you, and you did it anyway, you'd blame the fucking programmers.

    Here endeth the lesson.

    Your bud,

  4. Boy, FOS is getting slightly defensive, there.
