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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Random Thoughts from Saturday Afternoon

. . . .So, Keith Olbermann gets suspended from MSNBC because he made a couple of donations to Democratic candidates? Why? It's not as if Olbermann has made any secret of his political leanings--it's why the people who watch him, watch him! Does Bill O'Reilly not make contributions to Fascist--uh, sorry, Republican candidates? Or does providing them with constant advertorial support not count? Perhaps he does donate to the GOP, and Fox News (no, we will not link to them) just has looser regulations about its on-air personalities' political activities than MSNBC. . . .

. . . In other news, don't wear a red shirt in Target. Unless you want to fuck with people, in which case knock yourself out. "Sponges? Yeah, they're in aisle G-47. Between the clocks and men's underwear. Hey, I just work here, I don't design the displays.". . .

. . .Oh, and don't wear a red shirt on "Star Trek," unless you want to die. Or unless you're on "Star Trek: The Next Generation," in which case you're in upper management. . . .

. . . .Seen in Oakland's Chinatown: a Chinese take-out and donut store, perfect for Jewish cops and those who love them. . . .

. . . Also seen in Chinatown: Mr. Yick's Emporium. Suggested slogan, "You won't go 'Yuck!' if it's from Yick's!". . . .

(Image from MSNBC)


  1. Olbermann's firing gave me a "WTF!" moment. It's obvious the pendulum is swinging again, and in the direction that bodes ill for those of my ilk. They touch Maddow and I'm personally going postal.

  2. LOL! Y'know, the Engineering red shirts on TOS always get short shrift because those Security bozos keep getting themselves killed by horta or nasty spores. Ya think they'd wear some armor!
