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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

We Want Our FTV

The latest trend among the recently deceased and those who loved them is streaming video of funeral services. No longer the province solely of the famous (e.g., Michael Jackson) or monumentally strange (e.g., Michael Jackson), now any (dead) Tom, Dick, or Harry can have their passing mourned and/or celebrated by a virtual worldwide audience.

Frankly, there's nothing particularly shocking in the development of online funerals: We live in a virtual age. Our friends and loved ones are scattered across the country and around the world. (Well, not OUR friends and loved ones; we have only enemies, worshippers, and irate creditors, but you get the idea.) It probably comforts people to know that--were they to drop dead tomorrow--their Facebook "friends" could in some way pay their last respects and receive whatever closure they need to receive.

The interesting tidbit, to us, is that, while some online funerals are "invitation only," a large number (94% in the case of one provider) are not password protected. Theoretically, then, one could simply sit back and stream "funerals." Bored at work? Why not give the funny cat videos a rest and check out the service for Edna Calabash (74) of Nunplunk, Wyoming?

Can a funeral go viral? If so, could the family sell ad space?

"For Funerals Too Far, Mourners Gather on the Web"

1 comment:

  1. Michelle Bachmann gave the Tea Party response to the state of the union.
    A person who is brain dead is considered legally dead.
    Ergo: The first viral funeral has ALREADY occured
