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Monday, May 2, 2011

Bin Laden Done That

People worry that Bin Laden's execution will inspire his followers to acts of violence. As opposed to the acts of pro-American benevolence they were planning before yesterday?

Now we understand why President Obama released his long-form birth certificate last week. He knew this operation was imminent, and he wanted to avoid the inevitable Republican accusations that he was only trying to distract the nation from the facts of his Kenyan birth.

The latest conspiracy theory making the rounds is that Osama bin Laden was actually killed a long time ago, and the government is only now revealing this fact. We suppose it's possible, but it doesn't seem likely, mainly because there doesn't seem to be any great political advantage to revealing this information now if it didn't actually happen, y'know, now. It's nowhere near election time, and Obama isn't facing any particularly troubling scandal at the moment.

Obama is far too canny a politician to waste an October surprise in May.

As for our feelings on the day's big news: We are glad the man is dead--whether it happened yesterday or some time ago. We were a little put off by all the chest-thumping and flag-waving, but we understand it. Whatever non-violent release people need to get them through the catharsis.

Burn in hell, Osama. You won't be missed.

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