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Friday, May 27, 2011

More Musings

Something major struck us this morning: None of the Hogwarts faculty are married. There's no Mrs. Dumbledore, no Mr. McGonigall. Maybe there was a Mrs. Snape, but he probably killed her.

You suppose they take a wizardly vow of celibacy or something?


  1. Oh, I see. You think those wands are only for "casting spells". Silly Solipsist

  2. They are truly dedicated teachers.
    Mrs. Dumbledore: WHY do you have to prepare for Voldemort's attack tomorrow? Why can't we just eat some dinner and watch a movie.
    Professor Dumbledore: But dear, you know how much time it takes to save the world! I have to prepare my notes, look over everyone's grades to see if they're ready! Teaching isn't a 9 to 5 job."
    The End
