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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Double-Plus Not-Unhostile

President Obama overruled the advice of two senior lawyers when he decided to continue American participation in the assault on Libya without Congressional authorization. The decision rested on the definition of the word "hostilities." If American actions constitute "hostilities," then the President must seek Congressional authorization to continue them beyond 60 days. If the actions constitute something else, he does not.

While there are no US troops on the ground in Libya, and other NATO countries have taken the lead in the armed conflict, Rep. John Boehner (R-Lachrymosia) pointed out that the US was launching drone strikes and spending some $10 million a day as part of an effort to bomb the hell out of Moammar Qaddafi's compounds. He suggested that this should, properly, be considered "hostilities." We hate to agree with Boehner, but there is some seriously Orwellian shit going on here.

If the US is not engaged in "hostilities," how should we define the country's activities in Libya. A quick search of the thesaurus provides some possible alternative terms that could forestall the need for Congressional approval. Let's see. . . . Perhaps we're engaged in enmities? Manufacturing malevolence? Instigating inimicalities? Wait, here we go. Here's a synonym for "hostilities" that seems to get at exactly what's happening in northern Africa and that should satisfy everybody:


"2 Top Lawyers Lost to Obama in Libya War Policy Debate"

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