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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thursday Health Update

"BERLIN — An unusually lethal strain of E. coli bacteria has infected more than 1,500 people in Germany, mystifying public health officials, ravaging Spain’s agricultural heartland, and touching off panic in Europe as people weighed whether it was safe to eat raw vegetables."

Say this for Mother Nature: She has a keen sense of irony.

Of course, we've always suspected that raw vegetables were up to no good. Cooked vegetables, too, for that matter, which, let's face it, are just raw vegetables wearing crusty disguises.

Also today comes news that an Atkins'-style, high-fat, meat-filled diet may not only help people lose weight but may be less heart-harmful than previously feared. Full-fledged carnivores who did at least a little exercise lost weight faster than those on a high-carb diet, and, surprisingly to researchers, showed no negative vascular effects.

Finally, the World Health Organization has reported that cellphone may--MAY--be carcinogenic.

The takeaway: Eat lots of meat, avoid agricultural products, and technology will kill you. Those cavemen may have been on to something, after all.

"Cellphone Radiation May Cause Cancer, Advisory Panel Says"
"Eating Fat, Staying Lean"
"Virulent E. Coli Strain Spreads in Germany and Puzzles Health Officials"

1 comment:

  1. We heard NOTHING about ANY of this before Obamacare!
    I'm just sayin'
