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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Well, So Much for THAT

A group of physicists in Hong Kong has conclusively concluded that time travel is impossible.  This has something to do with the fact that a photon can not travel faster than the speed of light.  Somehow, the fact that nothing (or "nothing") can travel faster than the speed of light (or "warp one") eradicates the very possibility of time travel.

We don't pretend to understand any of this.  Frankly, we still can't understand why it is physically impossible for anything to travel faster than the speed of light, 186,000 miles per second (give or take).  Why can there NOT be something that travels at, say, 186,001 miles per second (give or take).  What if someone strapped a teeny tiny rocket to the back of a photon?  Wouldn't THAT make it go faster? 

And check out the approval rating of Congress: THAT's certainly streaking downward at faster than lightspeed! (Ba-dum-bump!)

Here at Solipsist HQ, we refuse to throw up our hands and despair at the possibility of time travel.  As for the physicists' declaration, just remember: The world was flat until it wasn't.  The atom couldn't be split until it was.  We'll see you in the future.

"Great Scott! Time Travel Appears to Be Impossible"

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