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Sunday, April 18, 2021

In Which We Discover a Random Ouchie

Do you ever find random injuries? Like, you’re unconsciously rubbing your finger, and then you suddenly realize that rubbing your finger hurts, and you look down and notice that the reason it hurts is that there’s a large, pulsing red gash on this finger.  The gash, however, is not the disturbing part.  The disturbing part is that you cannot remember how or when this gash occurred.  

Sure, one can always blame the cat—strictly speaking, blaming a cat is always a statistically sound strategy for virtually anything that goes wrong anywhere in the world, equally applicable whether one even owns a cat or not. But still, when blaming the cat, one should possess some clear memory of the cat’s assault. When something has happened serious enough to leave a mark, shouldn’t it be somewhat memorable?

1 comment:

  1. The first question, Watson, is: "What, exactly were you "unconsciously" rubbing your finger with?
    If you're missing 1,153 teeny tiny razor blades well then....
