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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Perfect Priorities

The article: "Gay Marriage Slow to Draw an Opposition in N.Y."

The gist: Conservatives inside and outside of New York State government are having difficulty rallying the faithful to defeat a bill allowing same-sex marriage.  People offer various theories as to why there is such a relative lack of outcry over this invariably touchy topic.  Of course, we think the answer is fairly simple: (A) New York is essentially a liberal state, and (B) people are probably just tired of fighting over this and being on the wrong side of what is essentially a civil rights issue.

The quote that caught the Solipsist's eye:  The reporter explains that even the Catholic Church has been relatively quiet on the issue:

(Digression: Is that proper colon use?  Do we need a period in there somewhere?  EOD)

"The state's Roman Catholic bishops have been somewhat distracted, too, having focused their lobbying energies this session on defeating a bill that would extend the statute of limitations for victims of sexual abuse to bring civil claims, and have appeared unprepared for the battle over marriage."

So, if you're keeping track at home, the Catholic Church's priorities, in descending order of importance, are as follows:

1) Denying the civil rights of people who have been raped by priests.

2) Denying the civil rights of homosexuals in loving, committed relationships.

3) Denying the civil rights of women who want to be able to have an abortion.

4) Denying the civil rights of women who don't want to be able to have abortions, but might want to be priests.

5) Denying the civil rights of Jews/Muslims/Buddhists?  (We're speculating here, but, heck, prove us wrong.)

And then, presumably, if there's time, helping the poor and downtrodden, feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, etc.

We're sure Jesus would be proud.

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