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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Six Degrees of Sarah Palin

As we wait for WOS, who just joined Facebook, to acknowledge our marital status (we have our fingers crossed), we thought we should share some thrilling information.

This is getting big, people.

The other day, as we were performing our routine check of Google Analytics, we discovered that "The Solipsist" continues to expand its geographical range. The latest state to check us out? Alaska. And where in Alaska, you ask? Brace yourselves!


That's right everybody, Caribou Barbie is a Sloppist! It's almost enough to make us wish we had voted Republican last November. Almost.

But (semi)seriously folks, Wasilla is not a particularly big town (population 5469 as of the 2000 census). So it stands to reason that, even if La Palin herself is not the Alaskan Sloppist, there's still a more than decent chance that the Alaskan Sloppist has met La Palin. So check this out:

"The Solipsist" is read by a resident of Wasilla, Alaska, who (if not Palin herself) has conceivably shaken the hand of Governor Sarah Palin, who has shaken the hand (and possibly more!) of Senator John McCain, who, before being trounced in debates and an election, shook the hand of soon-to-be President Barack Obama! That's FOUR DEGREES OF SEPARATION, people! We're practically cabinet members!

And as if that weren't enough, consider all the folks from whom this puts us six degrees of separation:

President Obama had numerous photo ops with soon-to-be-ex-President George W. Bush, who met the Pope!

President Obama served in the Senate with John Warner, who was married to Elizabeth Taylor!

President Obama campaigned with former President Bill Clinton, who once famously shook the hand of John F. Kennedy!

President Obama has been on the Oprah Winfrey show, and Oprah knows Dr. Phil!

The possibilities are virtually endless.

So take a deep breath, Sloppists, and be mindful what you say. You are all now only five degrees of separation from our President. We want to make a good impression.

From today's Times, an article about how the New York City bus fleet is undergoing a sort of retro-transformation. In the olden days, when people wished to signal a bus driver to stop, they would pull down on a "bell cord," which would cause a bell (or sometimes a buzzer) to sound. Almost twenty years ago, all the bell cords were replaced with strips of yellow tape, which people press down on to signal a stop. Now, however, in a nod to budget consciousness, the transit authority is going back to bell cords. Most commuters couldn't care less, but one Janette Kemp, 53, explains why she is "squarely in the tape camp":

"'You just push down on it,' she explained. Then she gestured to the cord [and imagine the contempt dripping from Ms. Kemp as she concludes]. 'This you have to pull down on.'" (Emphasis added.)

We miss New York!

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