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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Uneasy Lies the Head. . .

The Solipsist doesn't have much time today--he's been stuck in meetings all day, and he has to go teach in a few minutes. But he'll be damned--that's right, DAMNED--if he lets that break his uninterrupted blogging streak. So, today, just a brief post on the despair that goes along with management.

Some of you may have heard that our humble state of California is having some teensy-weensy budgetary issues. Have no fear, the Solipsist's position as Solano County Dog and Pheasant Wrangler is safe. The problem is that the Solipsist is in a managerial position, one that requires him to arrange a staffing schedule for part-timers--part-timers who look to the meager offerings that we dole out to help them make ends meet. Facing a budget reduction of approximately 75% (in actual terms), the Solipsist has had no choice but to dramatically reduce, and in some cases eliminate, his young staff's hours.

In many cases, we probably take it harder than our minions. After all, for them, this is just a part-time job, not meant as anything like a career path; and it's not as if we're firing them for egregious failure--they'll all get glowing recommendations. But it's disheartening. When one has striven over the last several years to build something up, only to see it decimated once it's reached a certain level of success. . . .

Such is life in the public sector. We struggle on.