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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Prejudice (A Brief Post)

Back when the Solipsist was a wee blogger, still in kneepants and propeller beanies, he used to watch Saturday morning cartoons. At the time, a public service announcement played frequently, showing a young boy talking to his grandfather. The boy asked his grandfather what "prejudiced" meant. The grandfather explained and asked about the boy's curiosity. The boy explained that his "black friend" Tony had called him prejudiced, but he--the grandson--din't think he was. The grandfather then asked, "Well, why is Tony your 'black friend' instead of just your friend?"

WHOA!!!! Heavy mindfuck for the Saturday morning cartoon crowd.

We were reminded of this the other day when one of our minions came and told us of an experience she had had whle tutoring. She was working with a student when another student came up to the table and said to the first student--the one who was being tutored--"Are you really gonna let this white bitch tutor you?"

Talk about prejudiced! We only wish our tutor had had the presence of mind to fire back, "Ahem! Why am I a WHITE bitch, instead of just. . . ."


  1. Why am I a white bitch instead of just a bitch? I want that on a t shirt. And as for 'my black friend' it's a description, like 'my blond friend' or 'my fat friend.'

  2. The acceptable term is "thyroidally challenged" friend.
