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Friday, October 9, 2009

This Just in: Who the Hell is Herta Muller? (Click here to find out.)

We haven't heard from Oslo yet, but we're keeping the phone lines open at Solipsist HQ. We figure we're due. We figure we've done about as much for chemistry as President Obama has done for world peace.

(Digression: Before the nitpicking begins, yes, the Nobel Prize is awarded by the Swedes, but the committee is based in Norway. So there! Nyah, nyah, nyah nyah nyah. And THAT's why we won't be winning the Nobel peace prize any time soon. EOD)

Now, don't get us wrong. You all know how we feel about President Obama, and we are proud that he represents this country on the world stage. Still, it's not like he's actually DONE much of anything to promote world peace. Except for not being George W. Bush.

Maybe that's enough.

Then again, the Solipsist is ALSO not George W. Bush. And WOS is mostly not George W. Bush. (WOS: "'MOSTLY?!?' What's up with that?") So couldn't either of us have been awarded the Prize? Or our cats?

It's all a matter of perspective. President Obama may not have achieved as much as Mother Theresa--or even Jimmy Carter. But in the context of past winners Yasir Arafat and Henry Kissinger, Obama looks positively Gandhi-esque.

We don't begrudge the President his prize. And in our scattered moments of clarity, we acknowledge that the chemistry and physics prizes are probably not coming our way any time soon.

We do, however, fully expect the literature prize, and this year, too! After all, we have maintained this blog every day for nearly a year. Who can compete with that?

And even if we're not the William Faulkner or Samuel Beckett of the blogosphere, we figure we're at least the Henrik Pontoppidan or Verner von Heidenstam.

Yeah, we don't know either.

(Image from The Guardian)


  1. Verner von Heidenstam -- now he's got quite the nose! You never know what criteria the Nobel Committee use...
    But back to Obama -- I do think that the committee (a bunch of Europeans who just LOVE Obama) chose him for the hope he represents for world peace, and as you put it so well, for NOT being G.W.Bush!

  2. Lol! I told my daughter the same thing(he got it for not being GW).
