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Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Devil Wears a Bowtie

Rep. Earl ("Manson") Blumenauer (D-Oregon) has an op-ed in today's Times: "My Near Death Panel Experience." Interesting reading.

"Chainsaw" Blumenauer is the Congressman most directly responsible for "Death Panels"--those bureaucratic entities that, if Comrade Obama has his way, will send Grandma to the gas chamber once she's outlived her usefulness to society. In today's article, "Poison Dart" Blumenauer tries to squirm out of the condemnation he so richly deserves by pointing out--get this--the facts:

"[When] I was working on the health care bill, I included language directing Medicare to cover a voluntary discussion with a doctor once every five years about living wills, power of attorney and end-of-life treatment preferences."

"Voluntary"?!? Right! Everyone knows that "voluntary" is just left-wing code for "mandatory"! Stalin used to organize "voluntary" field trips to Siberia! We're on to you, Earl "The Eviscerator" Blumenauer!

What's truly scary about "Genghis" Blumenauer's revelations is the pride he takes in his Svengali-like ability to twist the minds of good, honest, simple public servants to support his nefariousness (nefarity? nefaritudinism?): At one point, he crows, he convinced a "majority of Congressional Republicans [to support] similar provisions" in the. . . hmm. . . in the 2003 prescription drug bill. But wait: Wasn't that before Earl "The Demon Barber of Fleet Street" Blumenauer began working on the bill?

You know what this means, don't you?


He even brags of his ability to befuddle that paragon of crystalline thought processes, Governor Sarah "I Would Never Kill Anything that Doesn't Have Four Legs and Accepts Christ as His Savior" Palin: "In the spring of 2008, Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska issued a proclamation that stated the importance of end-of-life planning." You see? Obviously, it's "Rasputin" Blumenauer's fault that Palin was for death panels before she was against them. Thank God she saw the light!

Still, it hardly matters. This is "Shove Granny on a Pike" Blumenauer's America now. We're all just living in it. Well, until it's time for our death panel appointment, that is. Sad, sad times.

The face of pure evil? Rep. Earl "Hannibal" Blumenauer
(Image from Wikipedia.)

1 comment:

  1. God I hope by the time I'm old and in pain and can't even feed myself any more there's a painless out available me. . .
