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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Things That Make You Go "Huh?" (A Brief Post)

As part of a promotion of some kind, WOS received two free magazine subscriptions. She was presented with a list of magazines and told to choose two; if for any reason one of the titles she chose was unavailable, another title would be substituted by the company making this offer. WOS chose National Geographic and something else, Long-Suffering Wife Illustrated, perhaps. Whatever it was, though, it was unavailable. So the company decided instead to send her a subscription to, of all things, Money magazine.

Suffice to say, WOS is not the Money magazine type. Indeed, giving her a subscription to Money is roughly akin to giving the Solipsist a subscription to Ovaries.

We're keeping our fingers crossed that Money will start featuring pictures of cats.


  1. A magazine about ovaries.. you might want to patent that idea.

  2. I had the same thing happen but instead of getting "PC Gaming" I got "Sports Illustrated." I wonder if they thought the magazines were similar in content?
