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Friday, March 26, 2010

Knee-Jerk Reaction to Today's Headlines

All right, we were wrong. We can admit it. In just ONE week, President Obama has not only overhauled the healthcare system in this country to at least attempt to make health insurance fairer and more available to the citizens of this country, but now he has also reached a major arms control agreement with Russia!

That Communist-Socalist-Paller-around-with-Terrorists IS destroying the country!

What's next?!? Cleaner air? Alternative energy policies? Reduced unemployment?!? ALL THREE?!?!?

The man must be stopped!


  1. My parents, aged 87 and 82, who have no income, are paying too much for medicare advantage supplemental insurance which is a necessity, and they got a 30% increase a couple of months ago. Obama cut Medicare and so my parents will be paying even more. They have some savings. They have to! How else will they continue to pay their bills and live in years to come? That has made them ineligible for other assistance. OBAMA HAS TAKEN FROM SENIORS TO PAY FOR THE POOR. Also, Obama has stuck his nose in Israel's business in detrimental ways. It has always been thought that splitting the city of Jerusalem between Palestinian and Jews in the midst of Israel is an indefensible military physical layout. Sorry. I'm not a fan. The 2000 page healthcare bill was/is a crap bill. The good things about it, of which there are some, no denied coverage, no lifetime caps, portability (maybe), don't make up for the lack of guarantee of cheaper premiums or cheaper medical care or the lack of simplicity in the bill. The federal government is growing by leaps and bounds. It's spending within departments and organizations are not adequately monitored and they waste too many tax dollars, as does Obama, who himself spends and is handing out a hogs-worth of pork.

  2. Look at your blog sidelines today. The Shanghai sky-line is featured. Shanghai is an amazing city.
