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Thursday, March 25, 2010

More Musings

We apologize for the scantness of some of our recent posts. We've just had very little time these days. We are, however, planning a long-ish musing on Passover, which we'll probably get to this weekend.

In the meantime, the lede from this article on priestly sexual abuse caught our eye:

"Top Vatican officials--including the future Pope Benedict XVI--did not defrock a priest who molested as many as 200 deaf boys, even though several American bishops repeatedly warned them that failure to act on the matter could embarrass the church. . . ."

Disgusting? Sure. But in that priest's defense, deaf boys are HOTTTT!!!!

(OK, we even offended ourselves with that one.)


  1. I've had just about enough of the institution of the Catholic Church. The last Pope, good at politics, seemed to be a warm, caring guy. The current Pope, not so much. Can he be replaced???? And can somebody change the system that seems to facilitate these child abuses????!

  2. And you know who's hot, the 13 year old boy genius sophomore/junior at UCONN who seems to be incredibly mature as well as smart. Him, I'd like to marry.....if I'm not dead by the time he turns 21. :)

  3. If a boy falls in the chancery and doesn't hear it...?
