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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Updates from Solipsist Central

Keen-eyed Sloppists will no doubt have noticed subtle but distinctive changes to our layout. We've been experimenting with some of the new layouts available from Blogger.com. We liked yesterdays layout--it was black, like our soul--but we received strongly worded criticism from some of our most ardent followers. The Research Department went so far as to impugn our very intellect! In an attempt to mollify the naysayers, we're proposing this current format ("Picture Window") by way of compromise. It's still a bit gloomy, but perhaps not as ovewhelming.

You may also have noticed on yesterday's post the link to Amazon.com. That's right, Nation: We are now an "Amazon Associate"! We've hit the big-time! "The Solipsist" was selected to participate in this prestigious program. OK, we like to think we were selected. Let us have our moment!

The program itself is pretty cool. See, now, if we talk about our favorite book, Catch-22,

or movies that we absolutely adore, like, "The Fisher King"

or "Miller's Crossing"

then we can instantly create a direct link to Amazon.com, where Sloppists can, if they are so inclined PURCHASE THE PRODUCT!

It gives us a warm and fuzzy feeling to know that we can play even a small role in helping Sloppists broaden their cultural horizons and that we can help facilitate the noble mission of Amazon to spread culture and learning across the globe.

And, y'know, if the Solipsist receives a small kickback--er, commission--from any product purchased after clicking through this link, well, who are we to complain?

(WOS: Now, take it easy. You don't want to go all commercial and materialistic.
Sol: I'm sorry, have we met?)

At any rate, we hope you will not begrudge us this small attempt at monetization. We don't really expect much to come of it. Of course, if you are in the market for a Platinum, radiant-cut, 3-stone diamond ring,

we do hope you'll shop through Sol-Mart!

(Honeypiehorse, Emi Ha, Research Department, don't any of you have anniversaries coming up soon? We're just sayin'!)

1 comment:

  1. Dude, you've changed! It used to be all about the surfing, man.
