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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Leave the Polical Commentary to the Professionals--And Us Amateur Professionals

In all the hoopla over the US's sudden, dramatic, and--let's face it--not wholly unexpected exit from the World Cup, we forgot to mention the most trenchant piece of commentary on the whole affair. The night before the Ghana match, ESPN correspondent Jeremy Schaap noted that former President Bill Clinton would attend the match and that the team had received a phone call from President Obama wishing them luck. Schaap then commented--in a true "Does-he-write-his-own-copy?" moment--that the cheering for Team USA was "bipartisan."

Uhhh. . . .

Not only was Schaap wrong on the face of it, Clinton and Obama both being Democrats; he was also, in fact, wrong in his analysis: Our own research has turned up the fact that former Vice-President and Scion of Darkness Dick Cheney has several thousand riding on Uruguay.

And as long as we're on the topic: What has happened to our Research and Audio-Visual Departments? We've heard nary a peep from them for days, now. (And you can see what happens when we have to conduct our own research!) Why hast thou forsaken us?!?

1 comment:

  1. Not forsaken but de-webbed.....back in biz now!!!
    From Jurgen's mouth to the mighty foot:
