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Sunday, July 25, 2010

TV or Not TV

(NOTE: We planned to call this "TV or DVD," but that didn't sound as good.)

Tonight, the much-anticipated fourth season of "Mad Men" gets underway on AMC. We enjoy "Mad Men," and we have seen every episode of seasons 1-3. We have, however, never watched "Mad Men" on AMC.

Like many people (we imagine), we have watched "Mad Men" (along with other current hit shows like "Breaking Bad" and "Dexter") on DVD. And, as with those other shows, we have now caught up with "Mad Men." That is to say, we have watched all the previous programs and, should we so choose, we could tune in to tonight's season premiere fully aware of "the story so far" and intimately familiar with all the characters. So we now wrestle with the question: Do we want to hop on board and travel with season four as its journey unwinds?

We think not.

We realize we may subject ourselves to spoilers when our Facebook community starts blabbing about the latest scandals to rock the world of Don Draper and his crew. But we weigh that risk against the near-certainty of feeling impatient when having to wait a week between episodes and the existential certainty of commercials. We realize that it is the commercial avoiding tendencies of folks like us who have all-but eliminated high-quality programming on network television, and we feel bad about that. Just not bad enough to sit through the words from our sponsors.
(PS: If you haven't watched "Mad Men," it's worth a look.)


  1. Get a DVR, then you can solve all of your problems. I on the other hand will be watching True Blood, as I have never seen one episode of "Mad Men," which is also as many episodes of "The Soprano's" I have seen.

  2. Clarification: We do have a DVR. That would solve the commercial issue but not the wait-time betwixt episodes.

    Also: "True Blood" is good, too.

  3. I watched the first Mad Men and gave up because it was kind of boring and intense. I like the clothes though. It is nice to discover a series after everything's wrapped up and you can get it on dvd.

  4. I find it fascinating that you will let all kinds of comments, nasty, degrading, insulting, etc., pass without rebuttal. But, let someone hint that you don't have a DVR, and you're in high dudgeon. If you can't get along without knowing IMMEDIATELY "what happens next", that's kinda sad. HOWEVER, a far better reason for watching a show on DVD, vs on TeeWee is the avoidance of those (more & more) annoying pop-ups which used to take up a small corner of the screen and now have higher productionvalues (and screen space) than many of the shows! This egregious trend has reached its peak, by the way, in blurbs that advertise THE SHOW YOU"RE WATCHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. You could wait until the season comes out on DVD next year.....me thinks, however, if ye cannot hold tight for a week, what mayhem doth occur 'til 2011....sacrilage...!!!! As far as Mad Men....I am a junkie....and proud of it. However, this is genius:
