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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

OK, It Ain't "Schindler's List," But Still. . . .

As we may have mentioned, WOS loves horror movies. As some people have music in the background for their mundane activities, WOS will relax or do household chores to a soundtrack of blood-curdling screams and gory demises. The movies don't even need to be good--indeed, more often than not, they're dreadful. Every once in awhile, though, we experience a pleasant surprise.

The other day, WOS scrolled through our Netflix instant-watch queue and came across "Monster in the Closet," a Troma Entertainment production. The distributor behind such classics as "Surf Nazis Must Die!" (1987) and "The Toxic Avenger" (1984), Troma is known for low-budget, tongue-in-cheek horror movies. A z-movie satire of b-movie monster flicks, "Monster in the Closet" opens with a typically perky sorority girl screaming in terror as she is dragged into a closet by an unseen monster that sounds like nothing so much as the Tasmanian Devil ("Oooo-RAH! Blah! Uh-BLAH! BLAH! BLAH!"). When she disappears into the closet the screams continue, and all manner of clothes and detritus come flying out of the closet. The scene is repeated with victims including a blind man (played by John Carradine) and an angelic little girl, who meets her end, according to the subtitles, on "April the 16th or 17th at 2:15-ish." At this point, we realized we were not in the realm of "The Exorcist."

The movie is actually one long joke about humanity's battle with the eponymous closet-monster. We don't want to say too much, but suffice to say that the punchline--which arrives after a relatively brisk 80 minutes or so--is genuinely funny. We make no claim for the film as great cinema, but if you ever find yourself on a rainy afternoon with a couple of hours to spare, you could certainly do worse than "Monster in the Closet."

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