
Thanks for stopping by! If you like what you read, tell your friends! If you don't like what you read, tell your enemies! Either way, please post a comment, even if it's just to tell us how much we suck! (We're really needy!) You can even follow us @JasonBerner! Or don't! See if we care!

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Lately, when we log on to blogger.com, a box pops up asking whether we only want to view the information that was delivered securely. We've seen this type of warning before, but it's only recently started appearing on Blogger. At first, we clicked "No," figuring that Blogger has never burned us before, so why should we worry about whether the information was delivered "securely" or not. Then, when the warning continued to appear every time we logged on, we tried clicking "Yes," thinking that might satisfy the overprotective overseers at Google. No such luck: We're still getting the warning.

Does this mean that Blogger has recently started "delivering" dangerous material? Or at least material that is somehow more dangerous than whatever material it used to deliver? Times like these, we wish we knew more about computers than that they're shiny and fun to type on.

On another blogging-related note, what, precisely, is the protocol for responding to comments? As longtime Sloppists have noted, YNSHC tends simply to post your musings and leave it at that, not getting drawn into any particular back and forth. We've wondered lately, though, whether we are supposed to respond to commenters' comments.

See, we always felt that the comment section of a blog should be the place where loyal readers can confer about the day's topics. That the role of the blogger was to stimulate discussion but then, godlike, simply to sit back and observe the results of His handiwork. Maybe not, though. Maybe our loyal followers--all six of you--have anxiously, if vainly, awaited our own ripostes to your posts. We've decided, therefore, to withhold our benedictions no longer. Henceforth--or until we get bored--we will respond to all comments, no matter how undeserving those comments may be.

You have been warned! You're welcome!


  1. I don't know about the security issues. It doesn't happen to me. It may just be the settings on your browser. I know just enough to be dangerous. As for responding to our comments, some feedback is nice. Kind of like praying. :)))

  2. We, for one, don't feel a burning need for our comments to be responded to, ad nauseum. In fact, it's what drives us nuts about Facebook: the amount of "dribble" along the lines of "Today we ate squash", followed by "I hate squash", and 8 more comments along that line....

  3. @Anonymous: Nah, not really.
    @Janet and Donna: Your message has been received. Go in peace, Our children.
    @Naturelady: Well, too bad! And we, too, hate squash! Why would anybody eat anything that sounds like something you do to a bug?!?
    Hey, this is fun.
