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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Now It Can Be Told

It all started after the election.  Michelle and I were getting ready to move into the White House, and I was concerned about maintaining my "common touch" while living in the famous bubble of the American presidency.  Michelle said, "Barack, you are about to become the most powerful man on the planet.  You're going to have trouble staying 'common.'  What are you going to do?  Drink Budweiser?  Start a blog?"  In retrospect, I think she may have been kidding, but who was I to question Michelle's instincts?  And so, just before New Year's 2009, I started "The Solipsist."

I was sure SOMEONE would figure it out!  But, I guess I'm shrewder than even I give myself credit for--and I do give myself a great deal of credit.  (Heck, people STILL haven't been able to prove definitively that I was born in a Kenyan madrassa, despite all the hints I keep dropping!) I made a point of constructing the most un-me-like persona I could think of.  As a graduate of both Columbia and Harvard law, I needed to create a truly blue-collar "character" to "write" this blog--and what could be more blue-collar than a Jewish New Yorker, living in California, who only holds two masters' degrees and teaches at a--get this--community college?!?  I worried that, when I spoke in favor of community-college education, people would put two and two together, but they never did!

I've had a lot of fun over the last three-plus years.  It hasn't been easy, but I've managed to post just about every day.  You've even seen me doing it.  Here, people thought I was putting the finishing touches on my 2010 State of the Union speech:
In fact, I was writing that day's column, about the wagering between the mayors of Indianapolis and New Orleans ahead of the following Sunday's Super Bowl.  I've also had a great time with my Facebook "friends" and followers.  Every so often, for example, I'd have my people mess with the Facebook page of "Michelle Obamawitz" (if that is your real name--which it isn't--and I know what it really is).  You should have seen the look on her face!  (which I did-oh, and, "Michelle"?  You know hat "Pizza Delivery Van" that's been parked across the street from your house for the last two years?  It'll be gone tomorrow.)

I need to stop writing this column now, what with the election coming up.  So, just to clear up everything: I DON'T really have anything against Canada--especially their vast oilfields.  I DO have a bit of a man-crush on George Clooney.  And I would really appreciate it if the Supreme Court doesn't overturn Mecare.  I'll be turning reponsibility for the Solipsist over to a randomly selected citizen who can consistently maintain the trannsplanted-New-Yorker-community-college-teacher persona I have so carefully constructed.

Thank you for reading.  God bless you.  And God bless the Solipsist.


  1. except that it's true that your people messed with Michelle Obamawitz's Facebook page and you were born in Kenya and grew up as a Muslim in Indonesia as an Indonesian citizen and like so many boys whose dads are out of the picture you are gay and you worked for the CIA while you were supposed to be studying at Columbia and what was and where is the hopey changey thing? oh, and that SDS weatherman guy you were friends with is a good writer (just like that Nathaniel Hawthorne who wrote a sterling biography of that no account Pierce to help get him elected President, that same Pierce whose progeny is Barbara "Ma Barker" Bush).
