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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

That Mirror Be Trippin'

What is the deal with all of these fairy-tale reboots?  I know that "Shrek" probably started the trend, but the first Shrek movie came out ten years ago--why, in the last year, has there been such an influx of Brothers Grimm-inspired entertainment (or, in some cases, "entertainment")?  On TV, you've got "Once Upon a Time," "Grimm," and some other show on the Syfy channel whose name escapes me.  (And another thing, what was wrong with "Sci-Fi" as the name for the channel?  Sure, many people have a problem with the term "Sci-Fi," but does a random spelling change make things better?)  Now, in theaters, you've got "Mirror, Mirror" and, coming soon, a much darker looking Snow White film, "Snow White and the Huntsman."  Seriously, what's behind all this?

I suppose adapting fairy tales is somewhat "safe": Studios know that they have a built-in audience of people who will go see these things, out of a sense of nostaligia or boredom or both.  But how many different ways can you tell the Snow White story.  And in what universe is Charlize Theron not fairer than Kristen Stewart?

1 comment:

  1. The studios copy one another when one is perceived to have a good project when there is no copyright infringement to worry about. This rash of sameness is common fare....As to Charlize Theron being prettier than Kristin Stewart, of course she is. I don't understand the thinking that Kristin Stewart is beautiful, either. Kristin's a good actress but not beautiful.
