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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Nebraska Man Realizes Rush Limbaugh Is a Fucking Idiot

Insurance claims adjuster Franklin Tinsley, 37, of Arapahoe, Nebraska, on Wednesday became the final person in the United States to discover that Rush Limbaugh is a fucking idiot.

"I have to admit, I'm a little embarrassed," Tinsley said in a telephone interview from his office.  "I've always considered myself a pretty well-informed guy.  I read the papers, watch the news. . . . Of course I'd heard people talk about Rush Limbaugh.  Call him an idiot and so forth.  I guess it just never sank in."

Tinsley, a self-described conservative Republican, explained that, in principle, he agrees with most of Limbaugh's policy proposals.  "Yeah, I've listened to his show.  And I admit there were times that I had a problem with the way he was expressing himself.  Didn't seem particularly Christian, if you know what I mean?  I thought maybe he was just trying to stir things up.  It seriously never occurred to me that he was just a complete and utter fucking idiot."

Tinsley's realization did not come, as you might expect, from any of Limbaugh's more notorious outbursts--his recent moronic diatribe against Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke, for example, or his insanely ill-informed accusation that President Obama wanted to kill Christians because he had sent US troops to assist in the hunt for African warlord Joseph Kony.  Rather, Tinsley says he was just performing some simple household chores when it hit him:

"I don't really know what it was.  I was just washing the dishes, looking out the window, not really thinking about anything in particular, when all of a sudden I was like, 'Good lord!  Rush Limbaugh is just a king-size, no-doubt-about-it, grade-A fucking idiot!'"

Asked if he had heard of Al Franken's book Rush Limbaugh Is a Big, Fat Idiot, Tinsley said he had not.  "The title makes sense, though, because that man--Rush Limbaugh--is a fucking idiot.  I must say, though, I really can't approve of Senator Franken making fun of the man's weight."

Despite his revelation, Tinsley says he continues to support the broader Republican agenda.  Still, this experience has made him wary about other celebrated members of the party establishment.  "I mean, if Rush Limbaugh is a fucking idiot--and now that I think about it, kind a douche bag--who else might be a little weak in the thinking department?  Romney?  Boehner?  Who knows?"

"I guess you really just can't be too sure about anybody these days," Tinsley said.  "Hey--have you guys heard anything bad about Sarah Palin?"


  1. I'm not sure what to say other than...welcome to fucking reality. Good to have you aboard.

  2. LOL!!! Welcome to the sane side of things. The only people more fucktarded than Limpbaugh are the people who actually listen to him.
