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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Bloomberg Outlaws 32-Ounce Sodas, But THIS Is Legal?

I'm not much of a drinker.  I drink alcohol only occasionally and then pretty much only beer.

This was not always the case.  I used to drink at least a little every day--still mostly beer, but the occasional cocktail, as well, and I was open to experiment.

Sometimes, this would go too far.  One night while I was away at college--a night I would call memorable were it not for the fact that the whole thing is hazy--I engaged in a bit of what would later be termed binge drinking.  I started out with beer and moved on to that mid-80's cocktail of choice for the discerning underage drinker, Bartles & Jaymes wine coolers.  At some point in the evening, someone made me an obscenely large drink consisting of cranberry juice mixed liberally with triple sec (which I had never before heard of).  That one was the mistake.

At some point, I mercifully passed out and awoke the next morning to my first true hangover.  So THAT was what people had been talking about.  Aggravating the situation was the fact that, later that day, my parents were coming to pick me up and take me home for the summer.  Somehow I had to pack up my room, when all I really felt like doing was crawling into bed and staying there 'til Chanukkah.  Fortunately, at that time I also discovered the healing qualities of Dramamine.

After that evening, I was unable for several years to even hear someone mention cranberry juice without feeling my stomach tighten and gorge rise.  Even today, I worry that if I were given a large cup of cranberry juice, I would need a basin close by--just in case.

The other night, I saw a commercial for Smirnoff's whipped cream-flavored vodka:

All of a sudden, I have an irresistible craving for cranberry juice.

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