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Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Before I Forget, Redux... Maybe

 Following up on last week's comments about forgetfulness--if it was last week--if there were comments about forgetfulness--who can keep track of these things?

What was I saying?

Ah, yes. Forgetfulness.  It's no joke, people!  I was looking at my work calendar this morning, and I saw on tomorrow’s docket, "AB705 presentation (if possible)."  Now, for those of you not familiar with California state education legislation, AB705 is, broadly, a law passed several years ago to streamline students' progress through community colleges.  As for the rest of that calendar entry, though. . . . Presentation of what?  For whom? Or maybe by whom?  And what does "if possible" mean?  I mean. . . I guess it isn't, but still . . . 

Junk showing up on my calendar isn't especially strange, but generally this junk is placed there by other people.  Meeting invitations pop up like zits, random and unexpected.  But this was clearly something I placed there myself, presumably so that I wouldn't forget something important.  Yet here we are.


Random British expression that Americans should start using: Tickety-boo (fine, good, just so).  As in, "Just grab yourself a hedgehog, drop him in the pot, let him simmer for 20 minutes or so, and then, tickety boo, you've got yourself a tasty little lunch."  Wouldn't that just make the world that much more civilized?

1 comment:

  1. In your example, you're mixing Brit slang.
    When something is easy, then "Bob's your uncle" (I can explain, but why?)
    If it all comes together well and nothing goes wrong THEN everything is "Tickety Boo" (See: "Merry Andrew" with Danny Kaye. Music & Lyrics byt Sylvia Fine)
