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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

There We Were, Just A-Walkin' Down the Street

Yes, we're talking about Facebook again.

Funny story, true story. Facebook has this function--we think the kids call it an "app"--that lets you analyze your "Status Updates." These are the often zen-like one-liners people post to let other people know what they're thinking about--"What's on your mind," in the Facebook argot. So this particular app, "Topwords," analyzes one's status statements (statusments?) for the year and reveals the most commonly used words.

Now, at this point, we would like to mention that the Solipsist--in the interest of trying to be interesting--has a semi-regular practice for composing statusments: He picks a line from whatever the last song he hears on the radio happens to be. As he most commonly listens to a classic/eclectic rock station, he can usually find something postworthy.

At any rate, one day, this song happened to be "Tom's Diner"--that Suzanne Vega song where she just kind of rambles rhythmically about sitting in a coffee shop. Another day, it was "Walk on the Wild Side." As a result, our "Topword" for statusments?


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