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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been

"Blogging is the democratization of narcissism."

So wrote the Solipsist in his first posting, one year ago today. We were so young. We even referred to ourselves with a lower-case 'S'! Now, one first-person-plural-filled year later, we are an institution. Fourteen followers on Blogger! Eighteen more on Facebook! And comments, comments, comments galore!

(All right, look, Nation, we're still not getting as many comments on a day-to-day basis as Honeypiehorse, so we want you to get on that. Not that it's a competition. At least, not until we take the lead.)

So what has this year brought? Well, the economy is rebounding, a groundswell of democracy is forming in Iran, and the New York Jets control their own playoff destiny. Much as we are loath to toot our own horn, BEEP BEEP.

You're welcome.

In the year(s) ahead, we vow to continue our commentary on the day's events to help Solipsist Nation make sense of this crazy wonderland we call the world. We'll strive to bring you the important stories that you may otherwise miss, like this tidbit from upstate New York, where a retired stripper is teaching army wives the basics of burlesque ("To Keep Home Fires Burning, Grab That Boa"). Thank God! Because our soldiers are no doubt so focused on the mission that their wives must do everything they can to stimulate their husbands' amorous attentions!

Where would you all be without us?

Here's to Year Two!


  1. Let us form a new Facebook group then; Help keep our young girls self esteem low less we lose a generation of strippers. Let's hear it for the strippers!

    Also I think perhaps the economy is controlling it's own destiny, Iran is rebounding and the Jets are experiencing a groundswell of democracy.

  2. Thanks for the comment--whoever you are--but we're not sure we appreciate the insinuation that the Solipsist is less than responsible for the recent positive events.

  3. J-E-T-S Suck Suck Suck :-)

    (You wanted comments)

  4. Prost Neujahr!
    We raise our glasses to year 2!

  5. I'm not sure what this says about my life, but Mr. The has been one of the more enjoyable reading activities I partake of almost every day. It helps me to feel somewhat empowered when surrounded by the conservative right which consists of my husband, Father, and the neighbors dog. Thanks Sol!
