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Monday, March 1, 2010

TB or Not TB


But that is the question. And the answer is, "Not TB."

It's time, you see, for our quadrennial tuberculosis screening. We're really not sure why the school district makes such a big deal about this. Sure, TB is a scary communicable disease, but is it really that rampant among the general population of community college personnel? It's not as if we just got out of jail or returned from Canada. The worst part is we had to wait nearly an hour just to have a licensed medical professional look at our arm to confirm that we were disease-free.

Waiting that long, we almost wanted to hear we were sick, just to make it worthwhile.

By the way, we are now officially done capping on Canada.

Well, almost.

We're actually a bit worried. Canadians are getting a bit uppity since yesterday's Olympic hockey result:

" . . . Canadians, who consider themselves an understated lot, burst out of their modesty to become a unified, full-throated fan base. For two weeks during the Olympics, the streets of Vancouver were filled deep into the nights with people wearing 'Canada' on their sleeves--and their chests, their faces and any other space that they could fill with expressions of national pride."

Even our FFB, the normally sedate Emi Ha, is engaging in a bit of triumphal chest-thumping!

You may think we're worrying about nothing, but as Father Guido Sarducci once pointed out, Canada--with its tubercular hordes of hockey-maddened Visigoths--is closer to the United States than Texas is to New York.

Think about it.

(Image from talkwichita.com)


  1. I made a witty, well written response and the blogger technology erased it. I'm not re-writing. Here's the crux. TB was gone from the USA, but it has returned through Asian immigration in the last few decades. So, yes, you and those around you in the Bay Area need to be tested. Your Canadian neighbors deserve their moment of glory and are behaving no differently than anyone else would behave in the same circumstances. :)
