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Saturday, May 29, 2010


As in hanging on by. . .fingernails, that is. To what, you ask? To an internet connection at the domicile of MOS. We've found that, if we hold the laptop just so, we can catch the wave from an unsecured network: Nambla-net. We do have to pretend to be a twelve year old altar-boy, but we feel that's a small price to pay.


Suppose anyone learns how to buckle a seatbelt from the flight attendants’ presentation? They’re always so earnest about the whole thing, it would be a shame if everyone were unmoved by it.

We had a student this past semester who got excited about the strangest things,

The Solipsist: So, if you want to connect two independent clauses, you can use a comma and a coordinating conjunction--for, and, nor, but, or, yet, or so (FANBOYS for short).

Student: Wait, so. . . Sir? So, you’re saying I could put a comma. . . .and the word ‘and’. . .and join two sentences?

Solipsist: That’s right.

Student: (In a high pitched shriek) WHAT?!? Well! I NEVER knew that!!!!

Solipsist: (Making fending off motions) Hey. . . .Whoa there! Heh. . . .Think THAT’s cool, wait’ll we tell you about pronoun-antecedent agreement.

We imagine that student might get something valuable from the seatbelt exegesis.

“WAIT! Wha-- I put the FLAT end WHERE???”


  1. Wow. Where are these courses in Australia? I think I need a good grammar kicking.

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFW6NHbWX0E

  3. Thank you Dianne (the audiovisual department).
