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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Odds and Ends

From the first-time-for-everything-department: We made spaghetti tonight, and we actually made the correct amount. Generally, we grasp what seems like a proper sized fistful of the stuff, only to discover, when the cooking's done, that we've prepared enough pasta to feed a herd of moose. We would say that we need to remember what we did right this time, but it's already been nudged out of that part of our mind in which we store pertinent information, replaced by concern about Facebook's privacy policy.

OK, seriously? We have a confession to make. Despite strenuous effort on our part, we have failed to become worked up over Facebook's changes to its privacy policy. Partially, this is due to the fact that we have no idea what these changes entail, but we assume Jeff Zuckerberg isn't auctioning off our kidneys to a Chinese syndicate--and anything less than that is of little concern.

We don't understand what everyone is getting so agitated about. Haven't people grokked the fact that there is basically no privacy on the internet? Yes, your personal e-mail should probably stay personal, but aside from that? Do people not see something hypocritical in complaining about the lack of privacy on a website whose sole purpose is to allow people to post pictures of themselves and report on every last bit of minutiae of their daily lives?

We enjoy playing around on Facebook, and if the price we have to pay is that people will have access to information about us--information that they will presumably use to try to sell things to us--we're OK with that. All it means is that we have a few more commercials to ignore throughout the course of our day.


  1. I too have been disappointingly unupset about FB privacy changes.

  2. As a concept, you're all probably correct. After all, thanks to advertiser/media brainwashing we, none of us, care about such outmoded qualities as privacy, individual rights, the dignity of the person. BUT what has some people upset is the fact that Facebook advertised itself as one thing and now feels free to change itself into another thing without in any way considering the fact that their clients ARE human beings who might care about such things. Oh, well............

  3. Mmmmmmmm pasta....must have pasta, did you say something about facebook and privacy? Must have pasta.

  4. All fine and good, until your next prospective employer finds your blog filled with self-aggrandizing natterings and decides they couldn't possibly hire such a megalomaniac. Darn you, Facebook! :-)

