
Thanks for stopping by! If you like what you read, tell your friends! If you don't like what you read, tell your enemies! Either way, please post a comment, even if it's just to tell us how much we suck! (We're really needy!) You can even follow us @JasonBerner! Or don't! See if we care!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Solipsistic Publication Update

Hi Nation.

Tonight, we're off to a little backwater burg called "New York City" for a couple of weeks. We'll be staying with MOS, whose apartment is rather 20th-century; in other words, not really wired for internet. We're optimistic that we'll be able to access someone's wireless network, but we won't know for sure until we get there. All of which is by way of saying, we'll either talk to you all tomorrow as usual, or we'll be back in a couple of weeks.

In case you don't hear from us, please use this time to look over back issues of "The Solipsist." If it was relevant when we said it then, imagine how much more relevant it will be now. Like a fine wine or a stinky cheese, the Solipsist's pontifications only improve with age.

See you soon!


  1. Y'know, back issues of the Solipsist DO make the best bathroom reading, providing, of course, your home WiFi network reaches the toilet (mine does, thankfully). Your mom's pre-war building should have walls thin enough to hardly impede a neighbors signal penetrating through. In a pinch, though, I recommend a WiFi Detecting Hat:



  2. So, how are ya doin' with limited Internet access?
