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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Wisconsin Man, 46, Calls 911, Saves Wife's Life

Milwaukee--A 46-year-old Wisconsin man is receiving high praise after he called 911 when his wife began choking on a string bean.

Dispatcher Francis "Hot Sauce" McClendon says the man, Arthur Pemberton, was able to provide the hotline with his correct address and was able to speak clearly and coherently.

McClendon at first had difficulty understanding Pemberton. "You have to understand, the vast majority of 911 calls come from toddlers and domestic animals. When Mr. Pemberton correctly used words like 'trachea' and 'Heimlich,' I was thrown. I'm much more comfortable interpreting lisps, babble, and assorted barks and screeches."

When the ambulance arrived at the Pemberton residence, EMTs were unsure what to make of the sight of a grown man attempting CPR. "You never know what to expect on this job," said paramedic John Westerberg. "Usually, we just find a kid trying to give Mommy some candy. I can't say enough how impressed I am by Mr. Pemberton's composure. How he knew what to do--how he even understood what was going on--it's pretty amazing!"

Pemberton was invited to visit the dispatch center, where he was given a "Superstar!" button and a gift certificate for a Happy Meal.

1 comment:

  1. You mock, but I'll bet there are many of your readers (assuming you HAVE many) who would be more surprised if their spouse called 911 than if their 3 year old, did
