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Saturday, January 28, 2012

. . .And It Was All a Dream

You ever have dreams where you wake up and think you're awake but you're really just dreaming that you've woken up?  That was my morning.  It was Saturday, so I was able to sleep in, which was lovely, but I kept dreaming that I was waking up.  Let me tell you: That gets your day off to a strange start.  For an hour or so after I got up, I kept making sure that I was actually awake by sticking my hand in a waffle iron.  After the sixth or seventh time I did this, WOS--who by now was sufficiently convinced that something was up aside from my "normal behavior"--asked what I was doing.  She pointed out that I could probably just pinch myself and achieve the same assurance of consciousness.  By this time, though, I was fairly convinced that I was, in fact, awake, and after a quick jaunt to the emergency room, I was able to get on with my day, including writing today's "Solipsist."  Now, time for a nap!

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