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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Let's "Santorum" the Solipsist

So to speak.

Maybe I should rephrase that.  Or at least explain.

Back when Rick Santorum was just a mild-mannered Pennsylvania senator, going around comparing homosexuality to "man-on-dog" action, syndicated columnist Dan Savage played a delightful prank on the current semi-front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination.  He created a website that "redefined" the word "Santorum" from "right-wing jerk" (or whatever it had been) to "the frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is often the by-product of anal sex."  Savage then exhorted all his readers to visit this site, over and over, until it became the top Google "hit" for the senator's surname.  And it worked!  Prior to this election cycle (and, indeed, well into it), if you Googled "Santorum," Savage's website would be the number-one result.  If Santorum's primary run has no other effect, the fact that his own actual website is now the number-one Google result for his name should probably be considered a mark of great success.

I think it's time the Solipsist enjoyed a Santorum-like surge.

Again, let me rephrase.

I just checked out the results for "The Solipsist" on Google, and was shocked--shocked!--to find the site you now hold in your hands (or whatever) languishing at number 11!  What are you people doing?  Now, granted, I come in just ahead of Sylvia Plath's "Soliloquy of the Solipsist"--DON'T CLICK THAT LINK!  I'M HANGING BY A THREAD HERE! But I'm way behind "The Solipsist" by Troy Jollimore, and Wikipedia, and "Soliloquy of the Solipsist" by Sylvia Plath--wait, what?  OK, never mind.  Adding insult to injury, I am trailing ANOTHER site--on blogspot--that has the audacity to call itself "The Solipsist"!!!

This nakedly aggressive being of me cannot stand!  I am calling on all loyal members of Solipsist Nation to start Google-bombing at will!  I may never overtake Wikipedia or The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy--or even Fredric Brown (Frederic Brown?).  But I WILL overtake this solipsistic pretender!

I'm not exactly sure how the technological foofaraw works, but I think the main idea is that you should go to Google, type in "The Solipsist," and then access this site through the Google link--being very careful not to click accidentally on any other links.  Believe me, they're not worth your effort.  In no time, we should crack the solipsistic top ten.

And, if it'll help, I can make some offensive remarks about homosexuality: First, lesbianism does not exist; all those so-called lesbians are just ladies who haven't met me.  And guy-on-guy sex is like a Rick Santorum speech: sloppy as hell and often painful if you're on the receiving end.

Good night, everybody!  Start clicking!

1 comment:

  1. Just for the record, Fredric Brown was one of the GREAT SF writers (and one of the better Mystery writers) of the first half of the 20th century.
    You should read hime.
    You really, really, should.
