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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Ominous Signs


I've spent several minutes pondering this hand-printed sign, taped to one of the library's doors.  When I saw it, I felt disoriented, like I had stepped into a Magritte painting.  The sign was obviously providing information, but to what purpose?  Simple notification?  Complaint?  Braggadocio, perhaps? 

I imagine someone on the library staff asked someone else on the library staff to put a sign on the door letting people know that the door was broken.  But, really, that's not exactly the important point, is it?  If you want people to, say, use another door, then perhaps a sign reading "PLEASE USE OTHER DOOR" is in order.  Just telling people that one particular door is broken may not be the most effective strategy; indeed, some may see it as a dare.

Burying the lede in journalism is bad enough; in signage, it's inexcusable.

1 comment:

  1. I see you have written another "progressive" blog. You are, of course, quite misguided in your Liberalthink.
    Informing the public that the door was broken was a simple act of information sharing.
    But, Nooooooo.
    You and your kind think it is up to the Government to direct you as to what to do about it!
    Making the Library staff use taxpayer money to take the time to think about which entrance YOU should use makes you, well, little more than a slot!
